Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That's Interesting

That's Interesting

International New Student Orientation - Spring Creek Campus...    Have you ever been made to read something? Well I read Share or Die and it's a book that consists of essays about people and how they did or did not survive in today's world and society. As I was reading I came across a specific essay; the title of it was Unprepared by Sarah Idzik. In this essay there is a girl/woman that has decided to go to college far away from home. Actually she decided to move from Pennsylvania to Chicago, which was a huge jump. This article drew me in because I didn't move to a whole other state but I am still a long ways from home. A lot of the things that she referenced to like being smart in high school applied to me in a way as well. We both had good grades, but when she came to college it was a whole different experience because she was a fish in a lake instead of a pond. I guess this made think about me and my experience because just like her I had opportunity to go to colleges close to home but just wanted something completely different. I am still learning how to adapt and do things. The image above says it all. There is no way to make sure any one somebody becomes successful beause at the end of the day it depends on you.
       Now, I like the essay and it applied to me but after that not so much. Sarah was one of those people who couldn't find a job that was worth her degree. She had to settle with what was offered to her. I don't mean to sound vain because that can happen to the best of us, but there is always another answer or choice. I may jinx myself but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm determined not to be that person and I'm not going to let anyone tell me that I can't do what I want to do; or what I went to school to do. See I know that it may seem as if I'm missing the whole point but in reality I'm pointing out a whole other point. When Sarah was discouraged she let that affect her future, when she should have kept pushing stronger. She could of not let that one job make her life miserable. When first entering into the job world she admitted she was naive and she compared herself to everyone else; comparing oneself to someone else is the first mistake. I know firsthand that there is always better but I also know that I can keep up with the best. When someone decides to compare he/she forget his/her own worth because everyone has something.
        I'm going to kind of get off subject but I'm going to give an example/story. When I was in high school I saw all types of brains and minds. There was a smart guy that had plenty of book sense little common sense and I'm pretty sure no street sense. There was another guy that had all three and had the potential to be smarter than the "smart guy." In saying that it's just to say don't knock down your own worth cause at the end of the day it makes you the most qualified.
I want to say that I don't blame Sarah because she went through her trails just as we all do. I understand that things can happen that can hinder anyone. All I'm saying is that when you fall get back up. At the end of the day you will not only be happy but you will be proud because you didn't let the economy or anything else determine your life; because guess what, the economy is going to always fluctuate and there is going to always going to be debt. So just make sure that you are able to live with whatever that happens.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's up to You....

It's Up to You

When you were younger and your parents taught you right from wrong, correct? While saying this you also know that you didn't always do what was right or what they taught you. Well college is similar to that because it doesn't matter how much the professors teach you or how much training you go through at the end of the day the real life situations are going to be different. I think that John Coleman had a couple of points one of them being the question on whether or not things like leadership can be taught. The blog by, John Coleman, in particular hit home for me because I am majoring in the business under finance and I want to one day be a CFO so that argument is legit on whether or not everyone can do something. Back to the topic at hand, I think having an actual skill that is natural is far better than being taught. To continue with things about how someone is raised I'm going to say that I believe only certain things can be taught; for instance, you can be taught to say yes ma'am and no ma'am but your parents can't teach you how interact with their friends and how to be social. This means that there are such things that need to be learned by experience and experience only.
I think that this illustration is what John Coleman's example about Joey meant. See Joey had book sense and he was confident in his degree but he didn't have the wisdom to listen to someone else's advice and consider it. There is another point that can be proven too which is people don't thrive as much when they are forced into doing something. For instance, parents may give you advice, but most of the time it's a command; I say that because everyone knows that their mother/father have a look and those looks can make you reconsider whatever decision you were about to make. Let me elaborate, you are a freshman coming to college, because that's what you were expected to do; and you choose a major, that you don't necessarily want, because you don't want to disappoint or let anyone down. Well lets just say that you graduate with that degree you like it but your heart is not in it. If at the end of the day you don't want to be in your profession then most likely you won't learn and thrive in it. I'll Never Go Back to School is a story done in a blog and it sums up what I've been trying to say in a nutshell. Experience can tromp formal education any day that's why it takes more than getting a degree.
Ramesh Ponnuru's, "The Case Against College Education", brings up a question that has been debated over for a while now; which is, Should we help more kids go to college? Or should we make it easier for people who didn't go to college to make a living? That question is tricky but my answer to that is that we should help those who want to go to college, whoever they shall be. The latter question is a little more difficult because I agree with the fact that if you went to college you should earn more; I think that life should be more sustainable for those that didn't go to college. For instance, I think minimum wage should have one more bump, making it at least $9/per hour; that is decent for the average life. I have said before that I believe that an individual is in control of his/hers own outcome so if someone who didn't go to college wanted to make more they could all it takes is applying themselves.
Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with people that want to please their parents but, in my opinion, someone who cannot stand up to their parents probably isn’t going to be a boss; everyone is not meant to be a boss but sometimes just an employee. I think this is more or less what Mark David Milliron was trying to say in his article on his blog about what he look for in students and what others want in theirs as well. Me and him agree with a lot of points which is one ought to be able to stand up for him/herself.
Life Begins at Conception - Viability Starts after College T-shirts
The illustration above shows the meaning of my references earlier about how your parents raise you. If you are raised to things from birth it is more instilled within you. It also shows that after college it's time to decide the next move. Afterwards it's time to see what that college degree is going to actually do for you.

The question, Does College Matter After You Graduate? Asks some very interesting and valuable questions that I think should be left open for whomever to answer because again it's all up to you." In a world that's growing ever flatter and more complex, we need societies full of capable leaders.” says John Coleman. In saying that I totally agree be who you are whatever it may be. When you do it do it well and at the end of the day you are doing you.
To add on to this, people usually don't tell you the positive things that happen. When anyone looks at the news today all you see is stories about killing, robbing, politics, and lies. No one ever hears about the graduate student actually graduating and being rewarded with a decent job, even though it happens. No one hears about how the park stays clean due to garbage men, even though it happens. Or the assistant finally moving up and getting a better job.
When saying this we have to realize that it's not always good being negative. I'm a college student and there is a long list of people before me that have come along and have done the same thing as I. While saying that I also know that there were some success stories amongst the failures, but no one ever hears about those because they are too busy trying to be negative or just plain out listening to the news. The election is going on now and a lot of topics have been bought up including jobs. Studies show that college students of this generation are probably not going to be able to find jobs. I think that is a wrong assumption, instead people should start framing things to say that college students are going to have a hard time finding jobs because we, as Americans, have hired people from foreign countries to come do jobs that our people weren't qualified for. I say it's going to be hard because you are going to have to fight for what is rightfully yours. If more students would actually graduate and stop listening to the negatives they could target certain jobs and make that job there’s. Why? Because the only excuse companies had from the beginning is unqualified people, but you just changed that so that job should be yours right after all you did earn it.
In the long run that could eventually make the United States a stronger nation because we want have to rely on foreign workers who probably contribute as less as possible to our economy. We already rely on them for everything else, so we shouldn't have to rely on the people to.