That's Interesting

Have you ever been made to read something? Well I read
Share or Die and it's a book
that consists of essays about people and how they did or did not survive in
today's world and society. As I was reading I came across a specific essay; the
title of it was
Unprepared by Sarah Idzik. In this essay there is a
girl/woman that has decided to go to college far away from home. Actually she
decided to move from Pennsylvania to Chicago, which was a huge jump. This
article drew me in because I didn't move to a whole other state but I am still
a long ways from home. A lot of the things that she referenced to like being
smart in high school applied to me in a way as well. We both had good grades,
but when she came to college it was a whole different experience because she
was a fish in a lake instead of a pond. I guess this made think about me and my
experience because just like her I had opportunity to go to colleges close to
home but just wanted something completely different. I am still learning how to
adapt and do things. The image above says it all. There is no way to make sure any one somebody becomes successful beause at the end of the day it depends on you.
Now, I like the essay and it applied
to me but after that not so much. Sarah was one of those people who couldn't
find a job that was worth her degree. She had to settle with what was offered
to her. I don't mean to sound vain because that can happen to the best of us,
but there is always another answer or choice. I may jinx myself but I'm going
to say it anyway. I'm determined not to be that person and I'm not going to let
anyone tell me that I can't do what I want to do; or what I went to school to
do. See I know that it may seem as if I'm missing the whole point but in
reality I'm pointing out a whole other point. When Sarah was discouraged she let
that affect her future, when she should have kept pushing stronger. She could
of not let that one job make her life miserable. When first entering into the
job world she admitted she was naive and she compared herself to everyone else;
comparing oneself to someone else is the first mistake. I know firsthand that
there is always better but I also know that I can keep up with the best. When
someone decides to compare he/she forget his/her own worth because everyone has

I'm going to kind of get off subject
but I'm going to give an example/story. When I was in high school I saw all
types of brains and minds. There was a smart guy that had plenty of book sense
little common sense and I'm pretty sure no street sense. There was another guy
that had all three and had the potential to be smarter than the "smart
guy." In saying that it's just to say don't knock down your own worth
cause at the end of the day it makes you the most qualified.
I want to say that I don't blame Sarah because she went through her trails just as we all do. I understand that things can happen that can hinder anyone. All I'm saying is that when you fall get back up. At the end of the day you will not only be happy but you will be proud because you didn't let the economy or anything else determine your life; because guess what, the economy is going to always fluctuate and there is going to always going to be debt. So just make sure that you are able to live with whatever that happens.
Shaketa, I really like how you took a different approach to responding to the essay. First of all, you disagreed with the essay, which is always a breath of fresh air. Secondly, you did a very nice job of explaining your position on this issue. I also really like you story about the different kinds of minds in high school. I agree that there are all kinds of minds and different ways of being smart or intelligent or successful. You make some excellent points here.