Tuesday, September 18, 2012



    College is a place for people that decide that they need to further their education. The decision is usually made in order to get a degree and make more money. I for one am a firm believer in that you get out what you put in; therefore, those who actually go to college not only benefit themselves but their family as well.Who knows one person could change a community or even the world. That's why I think that  Russell had some valid points when he writes the article on whether or not college is coming to an end; he had some ideas that I didn't agree with though because I think that society needs to have expectations(goals) in order to function properly or people won't have the intiative to do things. NPR's  and  Cyrn's article on debt also coincides with Russell's because it kind of gives the reason that people don't want to deal with college. They were right when they said that we have to be careful because debt can consume us causing there to be further problems in the future;they will not only suffer financially but also emotionally. I can understand why some people would just choose to just not go through with the whole college thing, but in my opinion college has way more perks.

    There are a lot of people in the world that are smart enough and have the potential to be some of the most brilliant people ever; the problem is that society has set a standard, in which, we feel as if we don't have to believe what you say if there's not a piece of paper to back up statements. Also many researchers have been able to prove that going to college has its benefits as the picture below shows:

Adam Looney and Michael Greenstone, the Hamilton Project.
Adam Looney and Michael Greenstone, the Hamilton Project
"Of the Americans who earn over $150,000, 82 percent had a bachelor’s degree. Just 6.5 percent had no more than a high school diploma. And while there are lots of stories about broke college grads, people with higher education are much less likely to have low incomes than those without degrees.
Sure, you say, but people graduate from college with a lot of debt, which must surely wipe out their higher earnings!"(Rampell, Catherine)

     When the concept of college is actually thought about Bobby wrote an article that is meant to make college students feel better about things concerning college. In his article he gives advice in telling that's okay for to be apprehensive because it's normal. In saying that, it makes it easier for college students to deal with the debts and obstacles of the college life.

  Saying all of that is just support for my earlier statement which consists of why college is good for you. What it all comes down to is that there are way more pros than cons to going to college. When someone goes to college they not only get to further their education but they get to experience life from a different view. Things are so different in college, example:social life, when someone enters college they experience things that they probably wouldn't without college. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference because for one by going to college you mentally prepare yourself to deal with all type of people, which can go a long ways in one's career choice.

Rampell, Catherine. "College, Still Worth It". Economix.The New York Times. 12 September    2012.http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/17/college-still-worth-it/.17 September 2012.


  1. You did a good job spacing out your blog. You also had some really good points that you mentioned.

  2. I agreed with all of your points! I also really liked your graph and quote! It was a little something to change it up and keep us interested! :)

  3. The layout of the post was done very well and super bonus points for the graph, it was great!
